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The Story Behind All Of This

My introduction to sound and it's healing power began about 10 years ago at a music and arts festival.  I had a ruptured eardrum at the time which I damaged trying to clean it with a Q-Tip.  My ear got infected and there was swelling going down my jaw.  I decided to stay one more night at the festival and if things didn't show signs of improvement overnight I was going to go to urgent care in the morning.  That night I got led to experiencing the most incredible drumming circle of my life. 


During the drumming circle I was lying on the ground with some close friends with our hands on each others hearts looking up at all the joyful drummers faces.  The atmosphere became electric and so charged with bliss that I could quite literally feel every cell in my body increase in vibration.  I was then guided by an inner voice to put my ear upon the earth and so I got into child pose and did just that.  I starting quietly saying, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you..." over and over again as you would a mantra.  Like magic the Earth pulled the swelling and pressure out of my ear and it was spontaneously healed.  I then experienced a state of gratitude that was unparalleled.  A year after that I returned to the same festival with my first sound temple design.  A dodecahedron made of plywood which created a very resonate space for sound exploration and was enjoyed by many.


The designs I have in mind now which you can see above have evolved quite a bit from the initial dodecahedron.  The current designs are much more feminine and curvy in nature as I feel structures need to be built that are in alignment with the rising of the feminine energies.  Making the designs all curves also allows for the spherical nature of sound to flow more freely without getting trapped in any dead corners.  All of my focus is now being dedicated towards bringing forth my dream of Phiral Sound Temples into manifestation.   

Please check out the videos below to learn more about sound waves, cymatics, resonance, fractals, the importance of phi and 3d printing.

I hope you enjoyed the videos and perhaps learned something new in them.  I currently have a gofundme campaign setup where I am hoping to receive funding to buy a large scale 3d printer.  This will enable me to print the Phiral Sound Temple designs out of clay at about 8.5 ft in length and allow for groups of people to enter inside of them to explore the healing power of group chanting and sound resonance.

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